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Thursday, 11 August 2016

Outdoor Dog House Air Conditioner and Heater

If you live in the northern half of the country, you may not have considered or even heard of an air-conditioned dog house. If you live in the south or southwest part of the country where temperatures are high all year long, a climate controlled dog house could be a life saving necessity for your dog. If you live in a hot climate and your dog is mostly outdoors you should consider getting an ac for your dog house. Usually when someone buys a dog house they are thinking of protecting their pet from rain, snow and cold but extreme heat is just as deadly to dogs especially if you keep a dog that is bred for cold weather in a warm climate such as an Alaskan Husky. Many dogs die each year from heat injuries but an air conditioned dog house can save your dog from these conditions and keep him healthy and happy no matter how hot it gets.

 As with any dog house the choice of size is important. Most people want to buy their beloved pet a mansion of a house but this is not the right thing to do no matter where you live. A dog house should be somewhat of a tight fit for the dog and he should have to duck to get into the door and should have enough room inside to turn around and lie down stretched out and that is all … it's a dog's preference and will also be easier to heat and cool.  Getting your hot climate dog an air-conditioned dog house could be a lifesavingevent.

 Pets need a climate controlled environment to stay healthy and happy. For more details about units that heat, cool, and de-humidify, as well as, dog houses that work well in conjunctions with these units.

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